Fog Garden, Garden Festival 2007, Vöcklabrück, Austria
Garden shrouded in fog
Client | Landesgartenschau Vöcklabruck GmbH |
Area | 500 m² |
Project team | Oliver Alten |
Completion | 2007 |
Location/Google-Maps | Oberstadtgries 4, 4840, Vöcklabruck, Österreich |
The peripheral spaces of garden shows are often neglected. To combat this, a fog garden was designed to lure visitors into the unknown at the Vöcklabrucker state garden show. The soft, moist ground cover of moss and grass is interrupted by stepping stones which lead into the mysterious kingdom beneath towering tree canopies and evergreen shrubs. The odd stepping stone rises out of the ground, inviting the visitor to pause, stimulating sensory experiences such as smell and touch. When the journey is resumed, the visitor reaches the fog well, which pumps irregular clouds of fog into the garden, the obscured space synthesizing the relationship between human and nature.